Plane Archives - Aircrafts Blog Tue, 11 Feb 2025 09:50:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Plane Archives - 32 32 3D Printing in Airсraft Modeling: Opportunities and Prospeсts Tue, 11 Feb 2025 09:50:24 +0000 Introduсtion Airсraft modeling has long been a fasсinating hobby and a сruсial field in aerodynamiсs researсh. Traditionally, airсraft models were …

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Airсraft modeling has long been a fasсinating hobby and a сruсial field in aerodynamiсs researсh. Traditionally, airсraft models were built using materials like balsa wood, plastiс, and foam. However, with the rise of 3D printing teсhnology, the landsсape of airсraft modeling has transformed signifiсantly. This innovative teсhnology offers unparalleled design flexibility, material effiсienсy, and сost savings. In this artiсle, we explore the opportunities and future prospeсts of 3D printing in airсraft modeling.

The Benefits of 3D Printing in Airсraft Modeling

1. Enhanсed Design Flexibility

One of the most signifiсant advantages of 3D printing is the ability to сreate сomplex geometries that would be diffiсult or impossible with traditional manufaсturing methods. Airсraft modelers сan now design intriсate сomponents with aerodynamiс effiсienсy, internal support struсtures, and optimized weight distribution. This enables improved performanсe in radio-сontrolled (RС) airсraft and experimental models.

2. Material Variety and Effiсienсy

3D printing allows the use of various materials, inсluding lightweight plastiсs, сomposite filaments, and even сarbon fiber-infused materials. These materials provide strength and durability while maintaining a low weight—an essential faсtor in airсraft performanсe. Additionally, 3D printing reduсes material waste, making it a more sustainable option сompared to traditional subtraсtive manufaсturing teсhniques.

3. Сost-Effeсtiveness

The traditional proсess of сrafting airсraft models often involves expensive molds, СNС maсhining, and large quantities of raw materials. With 3D printing, сosts are signifiсantly reduсed sinсe the teсhnology enables on-demand produсtion, eliminates the need for molds, and minimizes material waste. Hobbyists and engineers alike сan experiment with designs without inсurring high manufaсturing expenses.

4. Rapid Prototyping and Iteration

3D printing revolutionizes the prototyping proсess by allowing quiсk design modifiсations and rapid produсtion сyсles. Modelers сan print, test, and refine their airсraft сomponents in a matter of hours or days rather than weeks. This aссelerated iteration proсess is partiсularly valuable in researсh and development settings, where optimizing aerodynamiсs and struсtural integrity is сruсial.

5. Сustomization and Personalization

With 3D printing, modelers сan сreate highly сustomized airсraft, tailoring designs to speсifiс aerodynamiс needs or personal aesthetiс preferenсes. Whether сrafting historiсal repliсas, futuristiс experimental airсraft, or highly effiсient RС planes, enthusiasts have the freedom to explore innovative design ideas.

Appliсations of 3D Printing in Airсraft Modeling

1. RС Airсraft and Drones

The world of RС airсraft has benefited immensely from 3D printing. Enthusiasts сan print fuselages, wings, сontrol surfaсes, and even internal сomponents suсh as battery mounts and servo holders. The ability to integrate eleсtroniсs seamlessly into сustomized airframes enhanсes both performanсe and durability.

2. Sсale Models and Display Airсraft

Aviation historians and сolleсtors сan use 3D printing to сreate highly detailed sсale models of historiсal airсraft. This is espeсially useful for produсing rare or сustom designs that are no longer сommerсially available. Museums and eduсational institutions also leverage 3D printing to showсase aviation history with preсise repliсas.

3. Experimental Airсraft Prototyping

Aerospaсe engineers and aerodynamiсs researсhers use 3D printing to prototype experimental airсraft сonсepts. Universities and researсh institutions employ this teсhnology to develop and test innovative wing struсtures, airflow сontrol meсhanisms, and propulsion systems.

4. Replaсement Parts and Repairs

3D printing enables modelers to quiсkly fabriсate replaсement parts for damaged or worn-out сomponents. Instead of waiting for expensive spare parts, enthusiasts сan design and print сomponents on demand, keeping their airсraft operational with minimal downtime.

Future Prospeсts of 3D Printing in Airсraft Modeling

1. Advanсements in Printing Materials

As 3D printing teсhnology evolves, new materials with improved strength-to-weight ratios and heat resistanсe are beсoming available. Future developments in сomposite materials and metal printing сould enable even more durable and high-performanсe airсraft models.

2. Integration with AI and Automation

AI-driven design software is making its way into 3D printing, allowing for automated optimization of aerodynamiс struсtures. Maсhine learning algorithms сan help modelers refine wing shapes, weight distribution, and airflow сharaсteristiсs based on simulated performanсe tests.

3. Improved Large-Sсale Printing

Сurrent сonsumer-grade 3D printers have limitations in print size, often requiring models to be printed in multiple parts and assembled. Advanсes in large-format 3D printing сould allow for single-pieсe airсraft struсtures, reduсing the need for assembly and inсreasing struсtural integrity.

4. More Aссessible and Affordable Teсhnology

As 3D printers beсome more affordable and user-friendly, a larger number of hobbyists and professionals will adopt the teсhnology. Open-sourсe designs and online сommunities are already sharing printable airсraft models, fostering сollaboration and innovation in the field.


3D printing is revolutionizing airсraft modeling, offering new levels of сreativity, effiсienсy, and сustomization. The teсhnology provides opportunities for rapid prototyping, сost savings, and the development of highly sophistiсated designs. With сontinuous advanсements in materials, automation, and large-sсale printing, the future of 3D-printed airсraft modeling looks inсredibly promising. Whether you are an RС enthusiast, a historiсal modeler, or an aerospaсe engineer, 3D printing opens the door to endless possibilities in the world of airсraft modeling.

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10 Essential Aircraft Radio Control Tips for Beginners Fri, 14 Apr 2023 12:10:50 +0000 Are you ready to take your love for aviation to new heights? Entering the world of aircraft radio control (RC) …

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Are you ready to take your love for aviation to new heights? Entering the world of aircraft radio control (RC) can be both exciting and daunting for beginners. But don’t worry! We’re here to help you get started with our top 10 essential tips. Whether you’re piloting a fixed-wing model or a helicopter, these tips will help you maximize your enjoyment and minimize the chances of crashing.

1. Choosing the Right Aircraft

When you first get into RC flying, it’s essential to select a beginner-friendly aircraft. Look for models with high wing stability, easy maneuverability, and self-correcting flight characteristics. Some popular choices for beginners include the Apprentice S 15e, the Super Cub S, and the HobbyZone Duet.

2. Invest in a Quality Radio Transmitter

A reliable and high-quality radio transmitter is the backbone of a successful RC flying experience. Opt for transmitters with at least 4 channels to allow more control over your aircraft. Some popular brands include Spektrum, Futaba, and Hitec.

3. Get Familiar with the Controls

Take the time to understand your radio transmitter controls:

  • Throttle: Controls the engine’s speed
  • Ailerons: Adjust the aircraft’s roll (tilting left or right)
  • Elevator: Controls the plane’s pitch (nose up or down)
  • Rudder: Manages the aircraft’s yaw (turning left or right)

Practice using these controls on a simulator or a low-cost, durable aircraft before flying your primary model.

4. Pre-flight Check

Perform a pre-flight check every time you fly your aircraft. This will help you identify any potential issues before taking off:

  1. Inspect the aircraft for any visible damage.
  2. Ensure all control surfaces are moving correctly.
  3. Check the transmitter’s battery level.
  4. Test the aircraft’s range by walking away from the model with the transmitter on and checking for control responsiveness.

5. Observe Weather Conditions

Weather plays a significant role in RC flying. Avoid flying in strong winds, rain, or low visibility conditions. Ideal conditions include a calm day with little wind and good visibility.

6. Learn the Basics of Takeoff and Landing

Mastering takeoff and landing is crucial in RC flying. Practice these skills on a simulator or with a low-cost model before attempting them with your primary aircraft.

Takeoff Tips:

  • Choose a flat and obstacle-free surface for takeoff.
  • Gradually increase the throttle while maintaining control of the aircraft.
  • Use the rudder to keep the aircraft on a straight path.
  • When the aircraft gains enough speed, gently pull back on the elevator to lift off.

Landing Tips:

  • Reduce throttle and approach the landing area in a straight line.
  • Keep the aircraft level using the ailerons and elevator.
  • Gradually decrease altitude while maintaining a steady descent rate.
  • When close to the ground, gently flare (raise the nose) to touch down smoothly.

7. Practice Figure Eights and Circles

Once you’re comfortable with takeoff and landing, practice flying figure eights and circles. These basic maneuvers will help you gain better control of your aircraft:

  1. Fly a circle by maintaining a constant bank angle and using the elevator to control altitude.
  2. To fly a figure eight, transition between left and right circles while keeping the aircraft level.

8. Fly at a Safe Altitude

Always maintain a safe altitude while flying. This provides a buffer for any mistakes and helps you avoid obstacles. Beginners should aim for an altitude of at least 100-150 feet. As your skills progress, you can experiment with lower altitudes.

9. Buddy Box System for Learning

Consider using a buddy box system if you have a friend or instructor with RC flying experience. This system connects two transmitters, allowing the experienced pilot to take control if you encounter difficulties. This safety net can boost your confidence and reduce the risk of crashes during the learning process.

10. Join an RC Flying Club

Becoming a member of an RC flying club offers numerous benefits:

  • Access to designated flying fields
  • Networking with experienced pilots
  • Learning from others’ tips and tricks
  • Participating in club events and competitions

Use the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) club locator to find a club near you.

In Conclusion

Mastering the art of aircraft radio control is a rewarding and exhilarating experience. With patience, practice, and the right equipment, you’ll be soaring through the skies in no time. Remember to start with a beginner-friendly aircraft, invest in a quality radio transmitter, and practice basic maneuvers like takeoffs, landings, circles, and figure eights.

Ensure you always perform pre-flight checks and fly in appropriate weather conditions at a safe altitude. Utilize the buddy box system for a safety net during the learning process and consider joining an RC flying club for additional support and resources.

With these ten essential tips, you’re well on your way to becoming a confident and skilled RC pilot. Happy flying!

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Fascinating Facts About Airplanes You Didn’t Know Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:23:10 +0000 Did you know that the Wright Brothers’ first flight changed the world? It was the beginning of a new era …

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Did you know that the Wright Brothers’ first flight changed the world? It was the beginning of a new era in transport – airplanes! Today, airplanes are a normal part of our lives and most people don’t give them a second thought. But there are lots of fascinating facts about planes that most people don’t know. Read on to learn some of the most interesting and lesser-known facts about airplanes and the history of aviation!

The Wright Brothers’ First Flight Changed Everything

On December 17, 1903, brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright made four successful flights in their airplane near Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The longest flight lasted 59 seconds and covered 850 feet (260 meters). This was an incredible event in aviation history – it was the first powered, sustained flight by a human being! The success of their first flights eventually led to other advancements such as stunt flying exhibitions by 1908. By 1918 there were nearly 200 airports in use throughout America alone.

More than 100 Years Later, Airplanes Are Still Evolving

Since 1903, many advances have been made in aviation technology and safety. Modern-day passenger planes can travel hundreds of miles per hour faster than theirpredecessors. In addition, modern planes are also much safer due to improved safety features such as backup systems for controls and engines. They are also much bigger and equipped with the latest technology. For example, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner is one of the most advanced passenger planes ever built and it can fly up to 20 hours nonstop!

Passenger Planes Have Come a Long Way from Biplanes

These days, passenger planes come in all shapes and sizes. But did you know that the first commercial airplane was a biplane? The first commercial flight with paying passengers took place in 1914 on an airplane designed by Igor Sikorsky – he named it “The Grand”. A few years later airlines started using four-engine bombers as passenger planes – this revolutionized air travel because these large aircraft could fly faster than most propeller-driven airplanes of their time.

The Biggest Passenger Plane in the World is Staggeringly Large

The Airbus A380 is currently the world’s largest passenger plane and it can seat up to 853 passengers! This double-decker plane was introduced in 2007 and has been used by several international airlines for long-haul flights ever since. The A380 can fly up to 16 hours without needing to refuel making it ideal for long distance routes such as New York City to Dubai.

Cargo Planes Have an Important Role to Play in Aviation

Cargo planes are designed to transport goods and materials, rather than passengers. The Boeing 747-8 is currently the world’s longest cargo plane with a wingspan of almost 200 feet (60 meters). Unlike passenger planes, cargo planes carry anything from food and medical supplies to military equipment and oil drilling machinery. In 2020, the US Air Force unveiled its new X-37B spaceplane – this reusable spacecraft is designed to deliver satellites into orbit as well as conduct experiments in space!

Interesting Facts About Pilots and Flying Routes

Did you know that pilots have an extremely important job? They are responsible for safely navigating an airplane through different weather conditions, turbulence, and other hazards. Pilots also need to be aware of restricted airspace around airports or high-security areas such as military bases. Every day thousands of flights take off from all over the world – some aircraft even fly along pre-determined routes known as airways! Airways can span across multiple countries or continents – they provide a safe way for pilots to travel long distances without getting lost.


The history of aviation has come a long way since the Wright Brothers’ first flight in 1903. Modern-day airplanes are much larger, faster and better equipped than their predecessors. Passenger planes come in all shapes and sizes, from biplanes to jumbo jets – but cargo planes also play an important role in air travel! Pilots are responsible for safely navigating aircraft through different weather conditions as well as along pre-determined routes. There are so many fascinating facts about airplanes that most people don’t know about – these facts make aviation a truly remarkable and awe-inspiring industry!

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Why Airplanes Are Safer Than Cars Mon, 20 Feb 2023 07:38:49 +0000 Airplanes have long been considered to be a much safer mode of transportation than cars. While there are always risks …

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Airplanes have long been considered to be a much safer mode of transportation than cars. While there are always risks associated with any form of travel, airplanes have several features that make them considerably safer than cars. This article will discuss why airplanes are safer than cars, the features that make them so safe, and the statistics that back up these claims. By understanding how air travel is safer, travelers can enjoy their journeys with peace of mind.

Reasons Why Airplanes Are Safer Than Cars

When comparing airplane safety to car safety, there are many reasons why airplanes come out on top:

Built for Safety & Long-Term Use: Airplanes are built to last and designed with safety in mind. They must pass rigorous inspection and performance tests before being allowed to fly and must be regularly inspected and maintained for continued operation. This ensures that aircraft are always well-maintained and operating safely when they take off from the airport runway. Cars, on the other hand, can experience wear-and-tear over time which may lead to mechanical failure or accidents due to lack of maintenance or repairs.

More Robust Design &Built-in Safety Features: Airplanes are constructed with a more robust design than cars, utilizing materials such as steel and aluminum that are certified to meet high standards for strength and durability. They also come equipped with numerous built-in safety features, such as multiple layers of reinforced windows and doors, engines that can be shut off in an emergency, and a smoke detection system. These features work together to provide an extra level of safety for passengers in the event of an unexpected issue or accident.

Advanced Pilot Training & Best Practices: Pilots must undergo extensive training before they can operate an airplane safely (including simulator testing). They are also required to adhere to strict safety guidelines set by their airline or governing body. This ensures that pilots understand the importance of following best practices when flying, which further reduces the risk of any potential accidents or incidents while in the air. 

Aircraft Maintenance and Quality Assurance: Airlines must follow stringent protocols when it comes to aircraft maintenance and quality assurance programs that ensure all aircrafts are safe before taking off. A comprehensive maintenance program will check for any wear or damage on each plane between flights, ensuring that all planes remain flightworthy at all times.

Improved Technology in Aviation: Technology has advanced significantly over the years, and this includes a number of safety features such as autopilot, voice control, and radar navigation systems. These features provide pilots with more precise control over their aircrafts and make it easier to avoid potential hazards in the sky.

Automated Systems Provide an Extra Layer of Protection: Automated systems are also used in airplanes to provide an extra layer of protection. This includes the use of technology such as auto-throttles and auto-pilots that are designed to take over in the event of an emergency or other issue while flying.

Passenger Protection Regulations: Airlines must follow strict regulations when it comes to passenger safety and comfort, which is another factor that makes air travel much safer than driving cars. These regulations include everything from providing passengers with seatbelts during flight, to providing oxygen masks in case of cabin depressurization or fire onboard, to ensuring that beverage carts are securely stowed at all times – all measures taken to ensure the safety of passengers during flight. Also read about jack for lifted jeep here.

Plane Crash Statistics: While plane crashes do occur from time-to-time, statistically they are much less frequent than car accidents due to their built-in safety features and stringent maintenance protocols. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, there were only 16 aviation fatalities in 2019, compared to over 36,000 car-related deaths in the same year.


Airplanes are considered much safer than cars due to their robust design, built-in safety features, advanced pilot training and best practices, aircraft maintenance and quality assurance programs, improved technology in aviation, automated systems that provide an extra layer of protection for passengers onboard, and passenger protection regulations. Additionally, the statistics associated with air travel show that it is much less likely to be involved in a fatal accident than driving a car. When taking into consideration all of these factors together; it becomes clear why airplanes are considerably safer than cars.

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The Trends of Pilot RC Planes in 2021 Thu, 23 Dec 2021 08:14:29 +0000 Another name for this machine is a radio-controlled aircraft, which is nothing but a miniature flying vehicle. It may look …

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Another name for this machine is a radio-controlled aircraft, which is nothing but a miniature flying vehicle. It may look like a training model, but there is a significant difference – it is possible to control it from a distance. For this purpose, they utilize a transmitter that you can hold in hand, which passes on signal to a receiver inside the machine.

The History of Pilot Radio-Controlled Airplanes

Just like any other invention, RC planes have some history. The first version of this vehicle, known as electronically administered model airplanes, appeared in the nineteenth century. It was a model airship full of hydrogen. These vehicles were flown around theatrical auditoriums as music hall acts and utilized a rather plain version of the spark-emitted radio signal.

When the Second World War started, the Army and Navy of the United States utilized radio-controlled aircraft as drones for artillery targets. The machines were known as radioplanes.

They became a hobby around 20 years ago. Since then, there have been a number of improvements in terms of weight, price, performance, etc. Currently, you can purchase an item of any style and model.

If you ever go to Indiana, you should visit the National Model Aviation Museum because it has the biggest collection dedicated to the history of RC aviation. That’s the place where you can see pieces from each era of these vehicles collected from different parts of the world.

Current Trends of Pilot RC Airplanes

Modern RC aircraft models are easier to use, lighter, equipped with more powerful motors, and have better radio control. They are made of durable materials, so there are fewer chances that they will be ruined during the very first flight. Initially, it was wood covered with paper. Later, they started using plastic films and carbon fiber for RC airplanes production. These days, it’s expanded polypropylene and polystyrene and foam that ensure the resilience and durability of these vehicles.

The design has also been improved, so you can purchase an aircraft that looks and flies like a real one. Some of these machines are advanced, meaning they are not suitable for beginners but for more skilled users.

A few years back, you could only purchase a plane with one of two channels that were more suitable for children and not for pilots. These days, you can purchase three-channel or even four-channel machines (fully functional) that are more complicated when it comes to controlling. This 4-channel control system resembles the one of a full-sized aircraft. The four channels are vertical and horizontal stabilizers, controls engine and roll. If we go into tech terminology, they are called rudder, elevator, throttle, and ailerons, respectively.

Another improvement that has been added to modern RC aircraft is cameras. They are more expensive but able to capture wonderful footage. You are free to upload it later to your PC or mobile phone.

One more thing that appeared recently is safe technology. The purpose of this add-on is to keep your machine stable in the air to prevent possible damages.

The popularity of remote-control aircraft is growing, so we may expect more and more improvements and impressive features to come.

Real or Virtual Flight: What to Choose?

A flight simulator is another invention associated with flights and aircraft. The point is that it recreates a real-life flight. The distinguishing part is that everything looks real, from design to the environment. Therefore, people who use this machine receive real-life experience and try to overcome a number of problems that may occur during flight. Computer simulators are often used to train pilots, so they can be useful.

However, this remote-control plane is way better when it comes to flight. It will give you the feelings and emotions that you can only receive if you fly a plane in the air. You are the one who decides where your vehicle will go, how fast it will go, and how it will reach the destination. You control the situation and can face real challenges. No virtual flight simulator can make you feel like that. Consequently, remote-control aircraft are distinctly better than virtual flight devices.


Modern people are lucky because they can access a wide variety of devices that are improving with each passing year. If aircraft is your hobby, then you can purchase a remote-control machine that will not disappoint you because it will look and fly like a real counterpart. Furthermore, there are more improvements to come since these vehicles are in great demand. So, purchase a remote-control aircraft and experience these amazing feelings yourself.

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Airplane For a Beginner. How does the Passion for Heaven Appear? Thu, 12 Apr 2018 12:44:02 +0000 Aircraft modeling has no age. The first model can be obtained at 6, 36, and even at 96 years old! …

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Aircraft modeling has no age. The first model can be obtained at 6, 36, and even at 96 years old! The main thing is to have fire in the eyes and excitement in the soul from just watching someone control the model soaring in the sky.

Airplane For a Beginner

All specialists and experienced pilots agree on the same opinion: training radio-controlled planes are the best option, allowing a beginner to master the basic skills of piloting! And that is why:

  • Comprehensible and obedient control
  • Minimal setup and maintenance costs
  • Optimal aerodynamic shape of the upper plane (upper wing location) for resistance to air masses and planning.
  • High degree of safety (even the child can be trusted with the remote control)
  • Full set, maximum flight readiness. For the first launch you practically do not need to buy anything.

What is a trainer plane?

These models are called so because of clear control, quick adaptation of the pilot, the ability to start flying after a minimum preparatory process and enough obedient behavior in the air. Airplane coach on the radio control has an upper wing location, strong structure and low center of gravity.

Trainer plane

To lift a radio-controlled training plane into the sky, it is enough to pass a few exercises on a simulator. In addition, the models with a convex, V-shaped upper wing is well planned and are able to stabilize their flight, which reduces the risk of accidents even during the modeler’s mistakes.

What to do when choosing the first aircraft on radio control?

It is categorically not recommended to choose an aircraft on radio control for beginners, guided by the aesthetic appeal of the model, its external data, rather than technical characteristics and flight capabilities. Surrendering to the temptation to buy a beautiful replica or pilot model, you risk crashing it at the first launch. Because they require certain skills from the pilot, they have specific controls. Radio-controlled aircraft models for beginners must meet the following requirements:

  1. Engine power

Among training radio-controlled aircraft there are versions with an internal combustion engine and an electric motor. Beginners are advised to choose the latter option. Motors with electric drive are almost silent, less susceptible to temperature changes and do not produce exhausts. However, a decrease in battery charge leads to a reduction in thrust and the engine power from start to end of flight may be reduced. The model with internal combustion engine imposes additional costs on its service and maintenance: from fuel purchase to cleaning of fuel and lubricant residues. For a beginner, such procedures may not be a pleasure. And you will have to pay more for an aircraft with an internal combustion engine.

  1. Flight Stability

The aircraft must have a stable flight with low speed. It is not a question of engine characteristics, but of the aircraft’s ability to easily plan on air mass flows. The main condition for this: the ratio of wingspan and model weight. Large aircraft plan better, but to launch them will require a special platform. Small ones can be launched even in an apartment, but they may be capricious in management. As the first model we recommend the models with the wingspan from 90 to 120 cm.

  1. Strength and quick repair capability

No beginner can do without falls and collisions at the first attempts to control the aircraft in the air. That’s why all manufacturers make training models from strong and high-quality materials and protect them from mechanical damage. At the same time, the price remains the most affordable. You will be very surprised to learn how much a plane on the radio control costs for a beginner.

The result:


So, let’s sum it up. Airplane on radio control for a beginner should be: the upper plane with a wingspan of about 100 cm, made of foam or its varieties, with an electric motor installed, in full configuration.

We will be glad to help you choose, if you want to realize your long dream and buy the first radio-controlled aircraft! The online store “Planeta Hobby” offers planes for beginners with various possibilities, affordable price, subsequent maintenance and support. Do not forget that we have a discount program that allows you to save on all future purchases. Therefore, if you decide to move from training models to more complex acrobatic or jet aircraft, you can be sure that you will be able to buy it much more profitable than the cost of the aircraft on the radio control.

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